Sustainability Blog

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We are pleased that you are interested in our activities in the field of sustainability. Our aim is to provide you with insights into our current projects, campaigns and measures relating to the topic of sustainability with regular and exciting contributions on this blog. As a specialised manufacturer of PPE products, we are faced with very special challenges in this area.

Feel free to check back from time to time for the latest updates and to see what HB is currently working on in the area of sustainability and what measures are being taken to promote sustainable and responsible action and to contribute to a future worth living.


New obligation for separate waste disposal in Germany as of 01.01.2025

The mandatory separate collection of textile waste from January 1, 2025 is a key step towards promoting the circular economy. It is based on the EU Waste Framework Directive, which aims to accelerate the transition to a resource-conserving circular economy in the member states. In Germany, it was transposed into national law by the Circular Economy Act (Section 20 (2) No. 6 KrWG) and is binding for private households and companies. The aim of the regulation is to extend the life cycle of textiles in order to conserve resources, reduce environmental impact and promote reuse and recycling. 


Of all used clothing arising in Germany, 64% is collected in used clothing containers. This system, which was previously voluntary, has been well received by the population and has been established for some time. Of the used clothing collected, a full 90% is reused as second-hand clothing or recycled into cleaning cloths or insulating materials, for example. Only a small proportion is used for energy recovery or finally disposed of. The Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act also provides for such a procedure. Energy recovery should only take place for severely damaged textiles that cannot be recycled.


The EU does not differentiate between different types of textiles. In order to implement the requirement for separate collection of textile waste as a whole, all textile waste, regardless of its condition, would have to be disposed of separately from residual waste. The districts and cities are responsible for organizing the collection and recycling of textile waste in their area. In their waste statutes, they specify which waste belongs in which containers and which quality standards apply. Clear guidelines in the municipal waste advisory service should help to avoid uncertainties when disposing of used textiles. However, it is difficult for waste disposal companies and the operators of current collection points to implement a complete collection of textile waste, and a separate collection system for non-wearable textiles is neither economical nor practicable and is therefore generally not planned. The existing used clothing collection system will therefore remain largely unchanged for the time being. Clean and intact textiles should continue to be placed in collection containers, as only these can be recycled or reused to a high standard. Heavily soiled, contaminated or damaged textiles still belong in the residual waste garbage can. 


Even though the introduction of mandatory separate collection for textile waste is important for promoting the reuse and recycling of resources, it is clear that implementation is still associated with considerable challenges. In particular, there is still a lack of practicable concepts to ensure the comprehensive and economically viable collection of all textile waste. The disposal of heavily soiled, damaged or otherwise non-recyclable textiles, which continue to end up in residual waste, is particularly problematic. This also applies to a large proportion of personal protective equipment. The disposal of this goes beyond the usual requirements for textile waste, as PPE can often be severely damaged, soiled or even contaminated with hazardous substances after use. Such contamination as well as a simple coating of PPE with a water or chemical repellent finish, for example, can pose an environmental and health risk. Special requirements for collection, treatment and disposal are therefore necessary. In addition, PPE often consists of multilayer materials and has integrated special protective functions that make recycling more difficult. In most cases, the only economically viable disposal solution is therefore thermal recycling.


To tackle these challenges and do our bit, we at HB work closely with a waste disposal company to ensure that our textile waste, be it used textiles or production waste, is collected and disposed of properly. Nevertheless, we see an urgent need on the part of the disposal company to establish a holistic system that is both economically and ecologically sustainable and also takes into account special disposal requirements such as those of PPE. At HB, we also aim to ensure that our used textiles are not only finally disposed of, but can also be reused and transferred to a further recycling process.


Review 2024: A year with focus on sustainability and responsibility

We look back on 2024 as a year in which we reached some significant milestones in our efforts to achieve greater sustainability. One outstanding moment of the year was the successful certification of our environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001. This certification was one of the goals we had set ourselves in our sustainability strategy, which we rolled out at the beginning of the year. In combination with the renewed ISO 9001 certification for our quality management system, we have created an integrated management system that combines the highest quality standards with environmentally conscious action. We were also delighted to receive the bronze medal from Ecovadis, which assessed our sustainability activities in the areas of environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.


Another focus this year was on the optimization and continuous improvement of our protective clothing, also with regard to environmental compatibility. For example, we have taken a major step towards digitizing manufacturer information. For this, we have inserted a QR code into newly produced products, which can be used to access our manufacturer information digitally at any time since the start of 2024. We have also focused our attention on the question of how we can make our products even more durable and further improve their ease of repair.


Through our active participation in working groups such as the ETSA Sustainability Task Force and the PPE Working Group, as well as in industry exchanges organized by the DTV, we were able to gain valuable insights into industry-wide efforts as part of the EU Climate Pact and the EU Green Deal. At the same time, we received practical input on topics such as due diligence obligations in supply chains, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and other legal developments. In addition, we also took another close look at current developments and requirements in the area of sustainability. One particular focus was on EU regulations such as the EUDR on deforestation-free supply chains, which became increasingly important in the middle to end of the year. Even though politicians have postponed the start of the regulation's application, we have already actively addressed the implementation of the requirements to ensure that we continue to comply with all legal provisions.


Furthermore, subsequently to the implementation of our sustainability strategy in 2024, we looked at the global sustainability goals and linked the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals with our self-imposed targets. And to ensure that our efforts have an impact beyond the company and make a positive contribution, numerous employees joined volunteers from the local fire department to plant 500 chestnuts in the fall as a thank-you for participating in our customer survey. We also once again actively supported the protection of the green sea turtle.


In summary, 2024 was a year of further development and commitment to a sustainable future for us. Achieving important certifications, promoting climate protection projects and addressing and implementing key legal requirements were just some of the measures we implemented. We look forward to building on the successes of 2024 in the coming year and have already planned projects for 2025 to continue taking responsibility, optimizing our processes and pursuing our environmental goals.


HB Protective Wear successfully certified according to ISO 14001

Integrated management system combines quality and environmental management to the highest standards 


In November, HB Protective Wear successfully completed the certification of its environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001 and at the same time successfully renewed the ISO 9001 certificate for its quality management system. Both systems are managed together at HB as an integrated management system. 


“Certification to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 underlines our commitment to excellent quality and emphatic environmental responsibility: it means systematically ensuring consistently high product quality and efficient processes geared towards customer satisfaction and continuous improvement,” emphasizes owner Klaus Berthold. The company's environmental performance is optimized by promoting resource conservation, emission reduction and sustainable production methods. “For our customers, this means that they receive products of the highest quality that meet strict requirements and are manufactured taking into account environmentally relevant aspects, and that they make an important contribution to climate protection together with us.”


All measures with which the requirements of the standards are implemented at HB Protective Wear and checked as part of the ISO certification not only have an impact on quality and the environment, but are also aimed at the commitment and performance of the entire company, such as risk, resource and supplier management, knowledge transfer, life cycle assessment, audits and communication. During implementation, employees are explicitly involved in order to systematically expand and improve the promotion of sustainable practices and quality and environmental performance. According to the ISO auditors, HB Protective Wear's commitment to the cause at management and employee level, its IT and digitalization performance and the company's expertise are particularly noteworthy.


US elections 2024: What Donald Trump's re-election means for the future of climate policy

On November 5, 2024, the US presidential election was held, in which Donald Trump was re-elected as the 47th President of the United States. Donald Trump won the majority of votes in many key states, which ultimately secured him the decisive majority of electors in the Electoral College and thus victory in the presidential election. Donald Trump's re-election raises significant questions for the future of global climate protection, as he withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement during his first term in office and reversed numerous climate protection measures taken by the previous administration. So what can we expect for his second term and what impact would this have on climate protection?


The USA is the second largest producer of CO2 emissions in the world after China. In 2022, it emitted around 5.06 billion tons of CO2, which accounts for around 13.6% of global emissions. By comparison, the European Union's emissions in the same year amounted to around 3.6 billion tons, which represents a share of 9.7%. Given this significant contribution to the greenhouse effect, the implementation of more environmentally unfriendly policies and a renewed withdrawal of the US from international climate commitments could significantly jeopardize global efforts to limit global warming. Donald Trump has already announced his withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement, which aims to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. It is also assumed that the USA could also withdraw from the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the central basis for international climate policy under international law. Such a move would destabilize global climate protection efforts, as the US plays a central role in financing international climate protection initiatives.


The “Project 2025” initiated by conservative think tanks, an agenda under Donald Trump, provides for far-reaching deregulation of environmental policy. A central goal is the abolition or relaxation of numerous climate protection measures of the Biden administration, particularly in the area of emissions targets for industry and the energy sector. The aim is also to maximize the extraction of fossil fuels and weaken environmental protection agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


In contrast to Donald Trump, President Joe Biden pursued an active climate protection policy during his time in office. Biden reversed the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement and increased US participation in international climate initiatives. Under his leadership, the US passed several important climate laws, including the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which is considered one of the largest climate protection packages in the country's history with a volume of 370 billion US dollars. This act encouraged investment in green energy and technology and aimed to put the US on a more sustainable economic path.


However, Donald Trump has announced that he will once again make lasting changes to US environmental policy. He intends to fill the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency with people who deny climate change as much as he does, which would significantly weaken the role of these institutions in climate protection. He also plans to move the EPA out of Washington and reduce the size of nature reserves to make room for oil drilling and mining projects. Other measures initiated by Donald Trump in his first term of office and reversed under Joe Biden could be reintroduced under a new Donald Trump presidency.


The US has a significant influence on global climate targets through its political and economic decisions. A return to a fossil fuel policy and withdrawal from international agreements would make global climate protection efforts considerably more difficult and lead to an increase in US emissions, which would jeopardize global climate targets and slow down the transition to renewable energies. However, it will probably not be possible for Donald Trump to undo all climate legislation, as this would also require a majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate. However, measures such as withdrawing decrees by executive order are easier to implement and could once again block international climate targets. The coming years will show to what extent global cooperation remains possible despite these challenges and how strongly US climate policy will influence global efforts.



HB Protective Wear regularly conducts customer surveys to enable continuous improvement of its products and services and further adaptation to customer needs. As a gesture of gratitude for their active participation, the Thalhausen-based company has decided to plant 500 trees in the local forest this year. The chestnuts will be planted this autumn, selected by the forester in charge as a sensible reforestation project.


"The customer feedback has provided valuable insights into potential areas for further improvement. The opinions of our customers are of great importance to us, as they inform our continuous service and product development in line with specific requirements," says Head of Sales Enrico Schicht.
"We would like to thank everyone who took the time to complete the customer survey. Your participation enables us to provide an even better customer experience."


Requirements and current developments of the EU regulation on deforestation-free supply chains (EUDR - European Deforestation Regulation)

Forests are essential for carbon storage. If they are destroyed, large amounts of CO2 are released, which contributes significantly to climate change. Deforestation also leads to a loss of biodiversity and endangers the habitats of numerous species and indigenous communities. Aware of the consequences of deforestation and as a measure in the fight against climate change, the European Union introduced the European Deforestation Regulation (EUDR, EU Regulation No. 1115/2023) in 2023. This regulation obliges companies to prove that products such as soy, palm oil, beef, coffee, cocoa and wood, as well as products made from them that are sold in the EU, do not contribute or have not contributed to deforestation. The aim is therefore to make the supply chains of these raw materials deforestation-free and thus stop the loss of valuable forest areas worldwide.


We at HB Protective Wear are also affected by the EUDR, as we also use wood products and rubber, among other things. For us and all other affected companies, this means that comprehensive due diligence obligations must be implemented. This includes the complete traceability of supply chains back to the source of the raw materials, including the provision of geodata that proves the exact place of origin of the raw materials. Companies must ensure that their products comply with the legislation of the respective country of origin and pass this information on to the EU in reports. Companies that do not comply with the requirements of the EUDR must expect considerable penalties. The amount of the fines can depend on the company's turnover and, in extreme cases, can amount to up to 4% of annual turnover. In addition, products could be excluded from the EU market if proof of deforestation-free status is not provided.


The regulation was originally due to come into force on December 30, 2024 for large and medium-sized companies and on June 30, 2025 for small companies. However, due to considerable criticism, particularly from industry, a postponement was requested, as many companies need more time to adequately prepare for the new requirements. Key implementation elements, such as the classification of countries with a low deforestation risk, are still missing, which could lead to significant burdens and possible disruptions to supply chains. For this reason, Ursula von der Leyen announced a few days ago that the entry into force of the regulation will be postponed by 12 months. The delay is intended to ensure that the EUDR is implemented in a practicable manner and with minimal bureaucracy, without losing sight of the goal of global forest protection.


Although the implementation deadline of the EUDR has been postponed by one year, we at HB Protective Wear have already passed the requirements on to our supply chain and are actively working on their implementation. This ensures that we submit all necessary notifications in good time and ensure compliance with the new requirements in order to avoid potential sanctions. Our aim is to fully comply with the requirements of the EUDR at an early stage and to promote deforestation-free supply chains.


One year of solar energy: our photovoltaic system in action

Solar energy is one of the most sustainable and environmentally friendly energy sources available to us. Unlike fossil fuels such as coal or oil, solar power does not produce any harmful emissions during electricity production. The more solar energy is generated, the lower the demand for conventionally generated electricity from fossil sources, which also reduces the consumption of finite resources in the long term. This means that every kilowatt hour of solar power saved contributes directly to reducing the greenhouse effect and thus to protecting our climate. 


For this reason, we had a photovoltaic system installed on the roof of our fitness studio in Thalhausen just over a year ago. After twelve months of operation, we can look back on some interesting results: our system has produced 42.11 MWh of solar energy during this period. This amount corresponds to a saving of 22.32 tons of CO2 - an amount that would be emitted by a car journey of over 89,500 kilometers. The sunniest months, especially July and August, produced the highest yields. As expected, solar power production was significantly lower in the winter months. Overall, however, we were able to use 77.6% of the electricity generated ourselves, while the remaining 22.4% was fed into the public grid. Our new building and the charging stations for our electric vehicles were 20.44% self-sufficient over the course of the year thanks to solar power.


Record temperatures were once again measured in summer 2024, and with an average of 712 hours of sunshine, it was a particularly sunny year. While we are using the additional hours of sunshine to increase solar power production, these records also highlight the effects of climate change. By using solar energy, we are not only making a valuable contribution to reducing the greenhouse effect but are also actively helping to protect the climate. The figures for the first year are very encouraging and we are looking forward to further developments in the coming years. 


Certification audits for ISO 9001 and ISO 14001

In addition to protecting the environment, for us at HB Protective Wear, sustainable management also means ensuring the quality of our products and that the wearer is well protected from hazards in the workplace by our protective clothing. For us, sustainability also means that our customers can rely on our products meeting the highest quality standards while at the same time protecting the environment. In order to maintain and continuously improve our high standards, certification in accordance with the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards is of central importance to us.


ISO 9001 certification ensures that our internal quality management processes are constantly optimized and maintained at a high level. In this way, we ensure that every item of protective clothing that leaves our company is safe and reliable. At the same time, ISO 14001 certification ensures that we reduce our ecological footprint and work in an environmentally friendly manner. This standard obliges us to use resources consciously and to continuously reduce our environmental impact.


Just two weeks ago, we successfully completed the recertification audit for our quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001. This audit confirms that we meet the highest quality standards in all our processes. We also completed the pre-audit for ISO 14001 certification a few weeks ago. This was also positive, meaning that we will also be able to carry out the phase 2 audit in October. The certification of our integrated quality and environmental management system shows that we are striving to further improve our processes and make them even more efficient and should help us to make a sustainable future possible.


HB Protective Wear receives Ecovadis Bronze Medal

HB Protective Wear has undergone an extensive review and assessment of its sustainability performance by the CSR rating company Ecovadis and was awarded the bronze medal in its global sustainability ranking at the first attempt. In concrete terms, this award means that HB's customers and business partners are working with a company that ranks among the top 35% of all companies assessed by Ecovadis in the last 12 months. Within the manufacturing sector, HB Protective Wear even achieved a place in the top 10%.


The evaluation methodology for the rating is based on the international sustainability standards of the Global Reporting Initiative and the UN Global Compact. Guidelines, measures and published reporting in the areas of environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement are examined.


HB Protective Wear performs particularly well, for example, in the implementation of measures for environmental protection and the topic of labor and human rights. Strengths explicitly mentioned by Ecovadis that fall under this category include the reduction of CO2 emissions caused by transportation, emergency preparedness and hazard prevention with regard to customer health and safety, and communication structures that give employees a say in their working conditions.


"We are delighted that we achieved a medal position in our first rating and even scored 77% in the bronze category. This puts us in a very good top position and we have our sights firmly set on the silver medal," says Sustainability Manager Greta Hansen, underlining the pleasing result. Based on the development potential suggested by Ecovadis, HB Protective Wear has drawn up a plan after evaluating the results in order to continue working on improving its sustainability activities.


The Corporate Social Responsibility Rating (CSR) is not only about assessing the status quo of sustainability in the supply chain according to international standards, but also about identifying development potential and drawing up corrective action plans. In addition to the sector of the respective company, its size and geographical location are also taken into account. Sustainability is understood by Ecovadis as an ongoing commitment to responsible action through the integration of social and environmental concerns into business activities and goes beyond simple compliance with regulations. For example, Ecovadis also looks at how companies manage their economic, social and environmental impacts and their relationships with their stakeholders.  


Analysing our environmental aspects and impacts

ISO 14001, which places requirements on organisations for environmental management systems, requires systematic identification, consideration and evaluation of environmental aspects and their impact on the environment. All material and energy flows and all realistic operating conditions that fall within the scope of the environmental management system must be taken into account.


An environmental aspect is defined in the standard as a component of an activity that interacts or may interact with the environment. This includes not only current conditions, but also potential future developments. An example of an environmental aspect is the dispatch of a parcel, which consumes packaging material and releases emissions during transport. Other examples include energy consumption in production and the use of resources in quality assurance. These environmental aspects are examined in detail as part of the analysis. Special attention is also paid to the life cycle of the products. It is essential to assess the environmental impact over the entire life cycle of a product, including the disposal phase. Following the assessment, it must be ensured that the environmental aspects categorised as relevant can either be controlled or at least influenced.


As we are aiming to obtain ISO 14001 certification for our environmental management system this year, we have comprehensively analysed our processes and examined both direct and indirect environmental aspects in all areas of the company. This analysis covered our production processes, supply chains, packaging materials and waste disposal.


Fulfilment of these ISO 14001 requirements enables us to manage the environmental aspects that are particularly important to us more efficiently and to continuously reduce our environmental impact. We see this as an ongoing process that we are continuously improving. Our aim is to further minimise our environmental impact without compromising the safety and quality of our products. At the same time, we promote awareness of sustainable behaviour among our employees and partners in order to reduce our collective ecological footprint. We see this as an integral part of our responsibility towards the environment, our customers and society as a whole.


Our sustainability blog celebrates its 1st birthday

We are celebrating a very special milestone as our sustainability blog turns one year old! We launched our sustainability blog exactly one year ago with our first blog post about HB's understanding of sustainability. Now, on our first birthday, is the ideal moment to look back on the past 12 months, to honour our valuable experiences and successes and to celebrate together what we have achieved over the past year.


In addition to numerous smaller projects such as the switch to sustainable paper and the conversion of our company fleet to electric cars, which we reported on in 2023, one of our biggest projects last year was the finalisation of our materiality matrix and the associated analysis of which topics are most relevant to us and our stakeholders, as well as the implementation of the Whistleblower Protection Act and the internal training of all employees on this topic. However, we did not just focus on strategic issues, but also worked on sustainable product developments in a practical way. Just in time for our trade fair appearance at A+A in October 2023, we were able to report on new developments that focus on the use of sustainable fibre alternatives and can be recognised by the addition of "Green Turtle" in the collection name and the turtle with a green leaf fin.


We started the new year 2024 with a report on the renewed extension of our sponsorship for the conservation of the green sea turtle in collaboration with the TURTLE FOUNDATION. Another important highlight on our journey towards a more sustainable future at HB was the introduction of the HB Sustainability Strategy. In our blog post, we explained that we communicate this strategy holistically to all of our employees, as each individual employee plays a key role in realising the goals set as part of the sustainability strategy. We will of course keep you informed about the resulting measures, developments and achievement of targets here on this blog in the coming period. After all, the experiences and successes described on our sustainability blog last year are just the beginning. We are determined to continue finding innovative ways and solutions to both reduce our environmental impact and have a positive impact on society.

Finally, we would like to thank everyone who supports and regularly follows our sustainability activities. With the support and commitment of our employees and partners, we will continue to develop and implement sustainable solutions in the future, as only together can we make a positive change and contribute to a more sustainable world.


Social audits as a key instrument for sustainable supply chains

To ensure that decent working conditions prevail in our supply chain and that fundamental human rights are respected, we regularly conduct social audits at our suppliers and production facilities. With the help of these audits, we can recognise and eliminate any deviations from the requirements we place on our business partners at an early stage. 


Our social audits are based on the internationally recognised SA 8000 standard. During the audits, we ask specific questions and also check compliance with our Code of Conduct, which sets out clear requirements for our suppliers and production facilities. These include fair working conditions, the prohibition of child labour and forced labour as well as compliance with occupational health and safety standards. 


Just three weeks ago, we recently carried out a social audit at one of our production facilities. Conducting regular audits is an essential part of our efforts to verify compliance with human rights in our supply chain and one of various measures we take to fulfil our social responsibility. These audits also enable us to strengthen cooperation with our suppliers and production facilities, while at the same time ensuring that our products are manufactured under fair and safe conditions.


The social audits are carried out by our own employees, who check with a trained eye on site whether our business partners are complying with the required social and ethical standards in accordance with our specifications. By conducting the audits independently, we can also react quickly to any shortcomings and take appropriate measures. The measures that we formulate in our audit reports in the form of a corrective action plan are not only intended to eliminate weaknesses, but also to help our business partners to continuously optimise their processes and working conditions. 


When implementing new social measures, it is important to bear in mind that these can increase manufacturing costs both in production operations and at suppliers. As it is not right to leave the production company alone with this, these costs must be passed on at least proportionately along the supply chain and often end up leading to price increases in the end product. Social responsibility therefore requires not only that we as manufacturers place ever higher demands on our business partners, but also that we must be prepared to accept higher costs in the supply chain right through to the end customer. Ensuring and increasing social standards and humane working conditions cannot be achieved at zero cost.


We see our social audits not only as a control instrument, but also consider them to be essential for the sustainable and responsible organisation of our supply chain. They contribute to the continuous improvement of working conditions at our business partners and thus also to ensuring product quality. Striking a balance between strict requirements and supporting our suppliers is crucial to ensuring successful and fair partnerships in the long term.


Assignment of our sustainability goals to the SDGs

At the beginning of the year, we already informed you about the introduction of our sustainability strategy. As we described in that post, HB Protective Wear has set itself clear goals based on the previously identified key topics in order to shape a sustainable future for the company, for our society and for the environment.


In the last few days, we have been working on assigning our individual sustainability goals to the 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals were set and defined by the United Nations in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda to enable a decent life worldwide while preserving the natural foundations of life in the long term. When assigning them, we at HB examined the areas in which the goals we have set can contribute to achieving these international standards in order to ensure that our efforts not only have an impact within the company, but also have a positive influence on global challenges such as climate change, social inequality and sustainable economic development. We were able to assign a total of 13 Sustainable Development Goals to our targets. These include, for example, goals such as affordable and clean energy, fewer inequalities, sustainable production and consumption and the global realisation of climate protection.


By specifically assigning our sustainability goals to the Sustainable Development Goals, we are confident that we can have a positive impact not only on our company, but also on our world and continue to actively contribute to a sustainable future.


Sustainable impulses through industry exchange at DTV and ETSA

Last week, we took part in two exciting events. These provided us with valuable insights and opportunities for dialogue. 


The DTV Forum organised by the Deutschen Textilreinigungs-Verband e.V. (DTV) in Frankfurt focused on the topic of due diligence obligations in supply chains. Textile service providers and suppliers came together to discuss the current challenges and opportunities for achieving better cooperation between textile suppliers and textile service providers. An expert presentation on current developments in the German Supply Chain Duty of Care Act was followed by two workshops, which provided us with ideas on how we can better fulfil our obligations to the environment and society together.


We also had the opportunity to attend the meeting of the Sustainability Taskforce of the European Textile Services Association (ETSA). This meeting provided a platform for the exchange of best practices, such as benchmarks for calculating the carbon footprint and approaches to fulfil the requirements of the CSRD, including conducting a double materiality analysis.


The direct exchange with experts and colleagues from different areas showed us that we all face similar challenges and can learn from each other. We were able to gather valuable insights and practical suggestions and can now use these impulses to further optimise our own processes.


PPE away from excess and fast-moving trends

With around four billion tonnes of CO2, the textile industry is responsible for around ten percent of global CO2 emissions according to the European Parliament. Fast fashion plays a central role in this problem. Many companies in the fashion industry are constantly putting new trends and collections on the market at ever shorter intervals, often in the low-price sector. In addition to high CO2 emissions, there are many other negative effects. For example, fast fashion also contributes negatively to water pollution and excessive consumption of natural resources. The significant amount of resulting waste also plays a major role.


In response to the major environmental impact of the textile industry, Members of the European Parliament have already proposed stricter EU measures to curb the excessive production and consumption of textiles in June 2023. As a pioneer, the French Parliament is currently debating a draft law aimed at regulating the activities of fast fashion companies. According to the proposal, one of the aims is to promote the repair and reuse of garments. A ban on fast fashion advertising is also under discussion.


Away from the fast-moving world of fast fashion, the clothing industry also includes the area of personal protective equipment (PPE). Although both sectors belong to the same industry, their functions and characteristics differ considerably. In contrast to the constant pursuit of fashion trends in fast fashion, PPE focuses on providing the best possible protection. This is because this clothing has the function of protecting the wearer from various potential, sometimes life-threatening dangers and is therefore subject to strict quality standards, which must be met in order to ensure that the wearer is protected at all times. This is not the only reason why both the quality and durability of PPE are so important. The use of high-quality materials is a basic requirement in this area. Personal protective equipment is also customised to the needs of the customer and not produced in excess, as is usually the case with fast fashion. A good fit as well as a modern cut and timeless design also help to ensure that personal protective equipment can be worn over a long period of time.


As a PPE manufacturer, our goal at HB Protective Wear is to make the life cycle of our products as long as possible. On the one hand, we want to achieve this by always providing our customers with care recommendations and, on the other, by developing and manufacturing our products in such a way that they are easy to repair and have good textile-physical properties such as wash resistance and abrasion resistance. We therefore use extensive quality assurance measures to ensure the longest possible product life. We pay attention to the careful use of raw materials and are actively committed to the environment and society. Because we are convinced that better protection is always sustainable.


Agreement on EU-Supply Chain Act

We already reported last year that we are complying with human and environmental due diligence obligations within our supply chain. We do this even if we are not directly affected by the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG). However, we are aware of the responsibility we bear as a manufacturer of personal protective equipment and therefore actively fulfil this responsibility. As we have already set out in our Code of Conduct, for us responsible corporate governance means working to uphold human rights, accepting other cultures without reservation and protecting the environment and climate through measures such as saving energy and conserving resources. For us, this also includes complying with social standards in the supply chain and promoting health and safety for our employees in the workplace.


Not only in Germany, but also at EU level, there have been discussions for some time about a supply chain law that would oblige companies to fulfil due diligence obligations. Now, on 15 March 2024, a qualified majority of member states in the Committee of the Permanent Representatives of the Governments of the Member States to the European Union (COREPER) voted in favour of the introduction of the European supply chain law, the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD or CS3D for short). However, it was not the original draft that was approved, but a compromise. This is because achieving a positive result proved to be challenging in the EU beforehand. The content of the proposed legislation was debated for weeks and no agreement could be reached among the member states for a long time. It was also unclear whether the law would be passed without Germany's vote. That's due to the fact that the FDP had vetoed the law, which is why Germany had to abstain from the vote, which is equated to a "no" vote. In previous votes on the Supply Chain Act, this was one of the reasons why there was no majority among the EU member states.


According to the provisions of the compromise, the EU directive will in future apply to companies with the legal forms AG, KGaA, GmbH, KG and OHG that have more than 1,000 employees and a global annual net turnover of more than EUR 450 million. The original draft of the law included a lower threshold for companies in high-risk sectors such as the textile industry or agriculture and forestry, but this has been completely removed in the compromise. In addition, longer transitional periods are granted with regard to the first-time application of the law.


The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive requires companies to exercise due diligence with regard to the impact of their business activities on human rights, the environment and governance and to identify and assess potential risks as part of this. Subsequently, appropriate preventive and corrective measures must be taken and reported on. Companies must identify the risks in their chain of activities. This includes consideration of both the upstream business partners and, to a limited extent, the downstream chain (e.g. transport to the end customer). Companies that fall within the scope of the EU Supply Chain Act must also draw up and implement a plan on how they can best contribute to achieving the Paris Climate Agreement's climate protection target of 1.5°C and the European Climate Law's climate neutrality target.


Now that the qualitative majority of EU member states have agreed to the compromise, it still needs to be passed by the Council of the European Union. The amended regulations are then expected to be voted on in the plenary session of the European Parliament at the end of April 2024. If approved, the member states will have a period of two years to implement the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive into national law. It remains to be seen how Germany will implement the requirements of the EU directive. After all, the CSDDD is closely modelled on the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act in important respects. In Germany, it is therefore likely that either the LkSG will be amended in numerous places or a new law will be passed.


Introduction of the HB sustainability strategy

Sustainability issues such as environmental protection and social responsibility are currently becoming increasingly relevant, whether due to social paradigm shifts or the implementation of new regulations and legislation. At HB, we recognise the global challenges we face and take responsibility for society and the environment. With the introduction of our new sustainability strategy, we are committed to taking environmental, social and economic aspects into account in our daily activities and integrating them into our business practices.


Our sustainability strategy is based on the results of an in-depth materiality analysis, which we reported on in detail on our blog last year. With the help of this analysis, we identified the key topics for us and then prioritised them. These identified key topics were given particular consideration when developing our strategy.


Communication of the strategy to our employees is currently ongoing. We began by explaining the new sustainability strategy in detail during our sales force meeting at the beginning of February this year. Shortly afterwards, all managers and other people in relevant positions were trained. At these meetings, the understanding of sustainability at HB was communicated, our holistic approach was explained and, of course, the goals we have set ourselves as a company were presented.


In addition, all other employees are informed about the newly developed sustainability strategy via a company letter. This ensures that all employees are familiar with the goals and measures and can actively contribute to them. This is important as every single employee plays a key role in realising our sustainability goals. Only through collective commitment and collaboration we can make significant progress and shape a sustainable future for our company, our communities and our planet.


In the near future, you will have the opportunity to find out more about our sustainability strategy on our website. Keep an eye on our Sustainability section under the Company tab from time to time. There we will also inform you about the contents of our new sustainability strategy.



The EU Commission has taken an important step towards sustainability by giving a positive signal regarding the use of a digital manufacturer information. In the recently published edition of the PPE guidelines  "PPE Regulation Guidelines (3rd edition - October 2023)", the point requiring the paper version has been revised. In the new edition, the paper version is no longer mentioned exclusively as the chosen medium for the manufacturer information to be delivered along products.

HB Protective Wear has long been campaigning for the approval of a digital manufacturer information and more flexible approach in the legislation. Even before the new PPE guidelines were published, HB decided to include a QR code in addition to the printed paper version in all new articles produced from January 2024 onwards. It leads to the digital manufacturer's information, which the PPE wearer can call up at any time if the paper version has already been disposed of. 
HB has been making the manufacturer's information available for download in numerous languages on its website for many years.


As the current regulation does not provide sufficient legal certainty, it is unfortunately not yet possible to replace the printed version completely. However, we hope that the legal basis will now also be created so that the paper version of the manufacturer information can be dispensed with completely as soon as possible. This would be a necessary and overdue step towards greater sustainability, as several hundred thousand tons of paper are used every year for the printing of manufacturer information leaflets.


Participation in the newly established ETSA Sustainability Task Force

On 11 January 2024, the kick-off meeting of the new Sustainability Task Force of the European Textile Service Association, in short ETSA, took place, in which we participated as a manufacturer of personal protective clothing and therefore as a supplier of large textile service providers. ETSA, which set up the task force, is an association whose main task is to promote the interests, priorities and concerns of the textile service industry both at EU level and at the level of local and regional governments as an effective representative body. This is done in close co-operation with member companies, including HB, and national associations.


The newly established task force plays a significant role for ETSA members for various reasons. On the one hand, it offers support regarding the demanding reporting mandates of the European Commission as part of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). On the other hand, it contributes to meeting the increased requirements of the European Commission in the context of achieving the legally binding targets of the Climate Pact and thus also in the broader sense of the Green Deal. In this context, the kick-off meeting provided an initial platform for discussing both the sustainability roadmap and relevant European legislation such as the CSRD.


In addition to the Sustainability Task Force, we also participate in the PPE Working Group of the ETSA, which we had the honour of welcoming to Thalhausen at the end of last year. At this meeting, the role of ETSA and the industry's efforts regarding the EU Climate Pact and the EU Green Deal were discussed. These approaches will now be further deepened in the Sustainability Task Force. We are therefore looking forward to the next meeting.


Renewal of our sponsorship for the conservation of the green sea turtle

We are returning from our company holidays with a good rest and full of motivation and would like to start by wishing you a happy and successful new year.


At the beginning of the year, we are pleased to announce that we have once again extended our sponsorship of a green sea turtle with the TURTLE FOUNDATION. With this sponsorship, which has been in place for many years, we are supporting a project in Indonesia in which the TURTLE FOUNDATION, together with local rangers, runs a protection programme for sea turtles aimed at protecting the turtles' nests from egg looting.


The symbol of the sea turtle has a special meaning for HB Protective Wear, which is why it plays a key role in our company. Whether as a permanent part of our company logo or as a TURTLE-TESTED® test stamp on the inside of each of our finished parts. For us, the turtle symbolises durability, protection, adaptability and resilience - just like our clothing, which, like the shell of the turtle, reliably protects the wearer. Because of this symbolism, it is important to us to make our contribution to protecting the green sea turtle and its habitat.


Through the TURTLE FOUNDATION itself, we regularly receive news about the protection of sea turtles. For example, we received news of the great success of the past nesting season on the Indonesian island of Sipora. From October 2022 to May 2023, a total of 3,047 hatchlings found their way safely into the sea. We are proud that we were able to contribute to this success with our sponsorship and the accompanying donation.


Focus on longevity

The pre-Christmas period in particular is often characterised by excessive consumer behaviour. However, by making more conscious purchasing decisions with a focus on longevity, we can make a significant contribution to ensuring that our consumer behaviour is not at the expense of our environment, rather that it can continue to be preserved for future generations.


So that we at HB Protective Wear GmbH & Co. KG can also be part of this, we attach particular importance to the longevity of our products throughout the year. It is important to us that we can make the product life cycle of our protective clothing as long as possible. Right from the development and manufacturing stages, we ensure that the products are both repairable and have good physical textile properties, such as high wash resistance and abrasion resistance. We also provide our customers with care recommendations to help maximise the service life of the products. Our efforts should therefore not only benefit our environment, but also contribute to conscious and sustainable consumer behaviour.


With this last blog post, we would like to say goodbye as we head off on our company holidays. The entire HB team wishes you and your families a Merry Christmas and a healthy and successful New Year. We look forward to keeping you informed about HB's progress towards a sustainable future in the coming year with our sustainability blog.


Review of an eventful year and outlook for 2024

The year 2023 is slowly drawing to a close. We are taking some time to look back and reflect on how the topic of sustainability has developed over the course of this year. 
2023 began with an expansion of the sustainability team in order to be able to efficiently process the ever-increasing and increasingly important requirements from legislation and our customer base. In the first half of the year, we took a close look at the material sustainability aspects on which we have the greatest influence as a company. We created our materiality matrix based on the assessments of customers, suppliers, employees and banks. We then used this to develop a strategy for HB Protecitve Wear, in which we define the path we want to take and the focus we want to set as a manufacturer of protective clothing for a more sustainable future. We will kick off the new year 2024 with the internal publication of our sustainability strategy.


In the second half of the year, we focused on the requirements of ISO 14001, as certification in accordance with this standard is planned for the end of next year. Compliance in the field of sustainability was also a topic that we dealt with intensively, as various laws were passed, draft laws formulated and guidelines launched over the course of the year. In many webinars and seminars on the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, the Green Deal, deforestation-free supply chains, the Digital Product Passport and a number of other legal provisions, we learnt about requirements and developed approaches for implementation. We already reported on the implementation of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act on 23 August 2023 in our sustainability blog, as well as on the introduction of an internal reporting channel as part of the Whistleblower Protection Act on 26 September 2023.


In addition to the administrative tasks mentioned above, the focus throughout the year was on conserving resources. In addition to the measures implemented at our headquarters, such as the construction of a photovoltaic system and charging stations for the newly purchased electric cars or the switch to printer paper made from 100% recycled paper, measures were also implemented for our products. In addition to the longevity of the products, the use of sustainable material alternatives was a particular objective. The new articles, which are labelled with our sustainability logo, the turtle with a green leaf fin, were presented at the A+A trade fair at the end of October.


We will continue to implement measures to improve sustainability in various areas in the upcoming year 2024. First and foremost, however, we are starting the new year with the implementation of our sustainability strategy in order to give all employees in the company a direction in which we want to go together. This will be followed by various projects to collect data, such as calculating our carbon footprint and implementing measures. We look forward to seeing what the new year will bring. As usual, you can follow our sustainability activities here via our sustainability blog. We look forward to the challenges ahead and are excited about a more sustainable future.


OEKO-TEX STANDARD 100 - The basis for products that are safe for health

As can be recognised by our brand promise be safe. we care., safety is our top priority. Safety is of the utmost importance, especially when it comes to products such as personal protective equipment. It is not only important that the wearer is protected from hazards in the workplace, but also that the clothing itself is safe. The OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 label provides a good basis for this, as it stands for both textiles that have been tested for harmful substances and a high level of product safety. Before this label is awarded, the products are tested for numerous substances that could be harmful to human health. The certification finally confirms that the product is free of such harmful substances and is therefore safe and harmless to health.


In order to be able to guarantee the safety of our products in terms of harmlessness to health, we prefer to source raw materials and ingredients that are already certified according to the OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100. This means that, in addition to outer materials and linings, accessories such as yarn, buttons, zips, ribbons and labels have already been tested and certified in accordance with OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 before being processed into PPE.


Where possible, we always have our finished garments certified again in accordance with STANDARD 100 in order to ensure that our products are safe for the wearer. A PPE garment is excluded from OEKO-TEX® certification, for example, if individual ingredients cannot be certified according to this standard, even if the majority of the basic materials used in a garment are certified according to OEKO-TEX®. However, our aim is to be able to certify as many products as possible in accordance with the STANDARD 100.


Change to more sustainable printer paper

Around 200,000 sheets of paper are printed at HB Protective Wear every year. Previously, we used paper made from virgin fibres and labelled by the retailer as wood-free and elemental chlorine-free. This paper is also certified with the EU Ecolabel and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®). This means that wood from FSC-certified forests or recycled material as well as material from controlled sources is used in the production of the paper. According to Greenpeace, however, the terms wood-free and elemental chlorine-free bleached do not indicate environmental friendliness. Wood-free paper is simply made from a cellulose pulp instead of wood pulp, which means that the paper does not yellow as much. However, pulp is also obtained from wood. The designation wood-free therefore does not contain any ecological statement. Similarly, no such statement is made for elementary chlorine-free bleached paper. This only means that elemental chlorine is not used to bleach the paper. However, other chemicals containing chlorine may be used instead.


For this reason, we took a closer look at the sustainability claims of various paper manufacturers and came to the conclusion that, in terms of the environmental aspect, we would only consider paper with the label "Blauer Engel" (Blue Angel). The "Blauer Engel" label places the highest demands on paper. Harmful chemicals may only be used to a limited extent or are completely prohibited. In addition, 100% recycled paper must be used. Recycled paper made from 100% wastepaper generally has a lower environmental impact. We can therefore achieve savings by switching to this more sustainable type of paper. No new wood is required in paper production, which helps to reduce the consumption of resources and also significantly reduces water and energy consumption in production. This can also reduce CO2 emissions. With this in mind, we have now placed our first order for the new paper, which features the label "Blauer Engel" on its packaging, and will set this as a standard for future orders.


Sustainable fibre alternatives in our new products

At the A+A 2023 trade fair in Düsseldorf, we are currently presenting our latest developments at our stand G 32 in Hall 10. Among them, we are also presenting some new products that focus on the use of sustainable fibre alternatives. These products can be recognised by the addition of "Green Turtle" in the collection name and by the turtle with a green leaf fin, which we use to identify all sustainable products in our range.


The CONDUCTEX® Green Turtle collection is one of these sustainable new developments. In addition to the standard version, the ESD coats are now also available with a sustainable material composition consisting of 75% recycled polyester, 23% organic cotton and 2% carbon. The cotton is partially organically grown and is certified according to the Organic Blended Content Standard OCS Blended. The recycled polyester is also certified according to the Global Recycled Standard (GRS) and was made from PET bottles collected in Europe.


The Flammgard® KLASSIK collection is also being expanded to include sustainable products under the addition of the Green Turtle. As a useful addition, this collection now also includes shirts, blouses and polo shirts, which we are presenting for the first time at the fair. The polo shirts in men's and women's styles are made of 100 % recycled polyester and are each produced from approximately 44 PET bottles. This material is also GRS certified due to its recycled content. Instead of recycled polyester, the shirts and blouses are made from 100% organic cotton, which is certified according to GOTS and Bluesign.


For some time now, you have also been able to find in our catalogue the heat protection shirt from the HB-PROtection® collection made of 100% organically grown cotton, which is certified according to the Organic Content Standard OCS 100, as well as the fleece neck warmer from the cold protection range. The latter belongs to the Tempex® Thermo Accessories collection and is made of 100% recycled polyester, which, like the other products, is certified according to GRS.


In the future, we will continue to expand the sustainable products in our product range. Whenever possible and not limiting the protective performance of the products, sustainable fibre alternatives such as recycled polyester and organic cotton will be used. At this year's fair, we are showcasing that this is possible and are taking an important step towards a more sustainable future.


Start of the second internal training block 2023

As an employer, we place great value on continuously training our employees and expanding their expertise. For this reason, HB Protective Wear has two training blocks every year for which our employees can register internally in agreement with their superiors. We started the second training block of this year last week on Friday with a training course on textiles, which among other things covered the differences between woven and knitted fabrics. Other contents that will be dealt with in the upcoming internal trainings are topics such as the PPE regulation, standard requirements and the application and use of software programmes. The exact contents of the training courses are always adapted to the needs of our employees, so that the content taught is exactly what the participants need for their work.


By participating in our internal training courses, we offer our employees the opportunity to expand their skills and knowledge in their field of expertise or in new areas. The newly acquired knowledge often allows them to make new connections to their own field of work, thus developing an even more comprehensive understanding of their own job. Since our employees train each other during our internal trainings, an exchange of knowledge and experience between colleagues occurs, which promotes teamwork and creates a pleasant working atmosphere. Another positive effect is that knowledge is shared within the company and thus preserved. We consider the internal trainings an essential part of our commitment to our employees and are pleased that many have signed up for the trainings again this time.


corporate risks

Systematic examination and evaluation

Starting Q4 2023, we are again conducting our risk analysis with regard to our overall corporate risks. Risks can be all influences that may have unplanned effects. Risk analysis is an important part of governance for us at HB Protective Wear, as it serves to identify potential risks and take appropriate measures to manage these risks. For this reason, we always conduct a regular analysis at the beginning of each quarter. The aim is to be able to guarantee our customers permanent availability and high quality of our protective clothing. In the analysis, risks from different areas of the company such as production, procurement and sales are systematically considered and evaluated. Process risks as well as risks concerning the geographical location are also analysed.


In terms of methodology, we base our risk analysis on the examination of risks using a risk possibility and influence analysis (RMEA). The identification, description, evaluation and assessment are carried out by a defined group of people. This group is made up of employees from the different areas that are considered in the analysis. The RMEA enables us to assess the probability of occurrence, the expected level of damage and the probability of detection of a risk on the basis of quantitative and qualitative company information. Thus, this provides a solid basis for taking action to avoid, mitigate, transfer or - if not otherwise possible - accept the identified risks.


The implementation of the Whistleblower Protection Act at HB

The EU Whistleblower Directive came into force in 2019 and was subsequently transposed into national law. Since the middle of this year, the Whistleblower Protection Act has been in force in Germany. We have now completed the implementation of the law at HB Protective Wear with a series of training sessions for our employees.


The Whistleblower Protection Act offers improved protection to persons who have obtained information about violations in the course of their professional activities and report them. It obliges companies with more than 50 employees to set up an internal reporting system through which violations can be reported, if desired also anonymously. For this purpose, HB Protective Wear has set up a software tool that all employees can access and submit reports quickly and easily. With the possibility of submitting a report anonymously, we offer additional protection for those in the company who do not dare to submit specific tips due to fear of reprisals. All employees should have the opportunity to contribute to ensuring that we as a company operate ethically and in accordance with the law.


As part of the implementation process, we also see it as our responsibility to educate our employees about their rights and obligations as whistleblowers. For this reason, we have held four training sessions to explain to our employees what whistleblower protection means and to create awareness of what kind of indications of possible violations can be reported. This measure is intended to give our employees more confidence to report violations and to promote an open corporate culture.


The introduction of the Whistleblower Protection Act is an important step towards transparency and trust. We hope that any violations can be identified and remedied at an early stage and will continue to work on integrity and compliance.


Resource conservation

sustainable action for a better future

Many natural resources that we use every day are finite. Just think of water or fossil fuels. If we continue to consume at an excessive and irresponsible rate, we face a future in which these precious resources will become scarce. Especially against this background, the conservation of resources is an important focus topic for us at HB. To ensure that we, too, contribute to a development that meets the needs of today's generations without compromising the ability of future generations, we implement various measures within the company.


At HB, the conservation of resources runs through all levels and begins for us with the sensitisation of our employees, for example in terms of waste separation and energy saving. This is additionally supported by targeted measures such as motion detectors, an energy-efficient heating system, the construction of a photovoltaic system and the conversion of the vehicle fleet to electric cars. In the meantime, 38% of our vehicles have already been successfully replaced by cars with electric motors.


In logistics, too, we have long been actively committed to conserving resources by using reusable PP boxes for shipping between our production facilities and our headquarters in Thalhausen. Our goods are then also stored in these boxes. In this way we save packaging material. Cardboard and plastic, which are still produced, are always recycled and reused. In addition, we optimise our transport routes through collective transport to our production plants, which not only reduces emissions but also conserves resources. Furthermore, we mainly work with companies that are located in Europe or in the European region, which means that transport routes can be kept as short as possible. Shipments to customers are usually handled in a climate-neutral way.


Of course, we also work on the product itself to save resources. Here, there is the additional challenge that achieving the required protective properties is always given priority, as protecting the wearer has the highest priority. In order to find suitable resource-saving materials, we are intensively engaged in finding alternatives. At the same time, we have imposed on ourselves to reduce the use of harmful chemicals such as fluorocarbon and to keep it to an absolute minimum. In the production of our products, the reduction of resources is also specifically implemented through efficient cutting.



The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act - Responsibility and transparency along our supply chain

The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) came into force in Germany on 01.01.2023. This law includes compliance with human rights-related prohibitions, such as the prohibition of child labour, but also compliance with environment-related prohibitions, such as the non-environmentally friendly handling of waste.


Initially, companies with a workforce of 3000 or more will be affected by this law, and from January 2024 it will apply to companies that employ 1000 or more people. HB Protective Wear GmbH & Co. KG is therefore not directly affected by the LkSG. Nevertheless, we have made the strategic decision to comply with our human rights and environmental due diligence obligations within our supply chain and to analyse, minimise and, if possible, eliminate all associated risks. In order to be able to meet the requirements, we have decided to cooperate with the company retraced. With retraced, we digitally map our direct supplier network and process our due diligence tasks through it.


Materiality analysis 
-what is important for us in terms of sustainability

For our materiality analysis, we have identified 25 different fields of action in the areas of environment, social and governance on which we have a direct or indirect impact with our business activities. These fields of action are based on the ESG criteria of the European Union. Ten of these fields of action are in the area of Environment, seven in the area of Social and eight in the area of Governance.


In order to be able to identify which of these 25 fields of action are of material importance to HB, meaning of essential significance, we sent out a questionnaire to 115 stakeholders, consisting of customers, suppliers, employees and banks, in the second half of 2022. The results of the questionnaires were subsequently summarised in a matrix. Based on this matrix, the most important topics were prioritised.


The resulting focus areas for HB are climate protection and -neutrality, energy, resource conservation and sustainable material alternatives. We want to deal with these topics as a matter of priority. However, the topics of circular economy and waste management are also of high importance to the interviewees and should therefore also be prioritised. The same applies to the topics of employees, human and labour rights in the supply chain, fair wages, occupational health and safety and also quality and product safety, which are highly relevant for HB.


The results listed here are now being used to develop a sustainability strategy for HB. This will help us to improve our sustainability activities in a structured way and to address sustainability issues in a focused manner.


Our understanding of sustainability

HB Protective Wear is a medium-sized, owner-managed company is the best possible way: personal, high-performance and predictable. In addition to desirable safety, we offer our customers high-quality and durable products. As a manufacturer of personal protective equipment, we are first and foremost required to provide our customers with the necessary protection against sometimes fatal hazards in the workplace. However, we not only make an important contribution to safety in the workplace, but as part of global society we also bear a responsibility that goes far beyond our products: for people, society and the environment - both internally and externally.


For this reason, we have been taking the ecological, economic and social consequences of our actions into account in all our business decisions from the very beginning. It therefore comes naturally to us to contribute to the well-being and sustainable development within the scope of our possibilities. True to our brand promise "be safe. we care.", we see it as our task to combine the required safety with the sustainability of our products and our actions in the best possible way. We understand sustainability as a development that meets the needs of today's generation without compromising the ability of future generations. We assign the various sustainability topics to three pillars: Environment, Governance and Social.


For us, ecological sustainability begins with raising the awareness of our employees, for example, for topics such as proper waste separation and the thoughtful use of resources and continues with a commitment to the protection and preservation of sea turtles within the scope of a turtle sponsorship with the Turtle Foundation. For us, environmental protection means acting sustainably with a view to future generations on a viable planet.


We are convinced that good and far-sighted management in combination with planning that is compatible for all sides as well as concepts that are sustainable in the long term are an essential prerequisite for lasting success. In this sense, we build long-term business relationships and strive for sustainable growth in cooperative partnerships.


We see our social responsibility not only in our company, but also beyond. Offering employee benefits as well as high-quality training opportunities for young people is a high priority for us. At the same time, we regularly assess the compliance with social standards along our value chain to ensure that we meet our own high standards.


With activities and measures in these three sustainability areas, we are able to make our workflows and processes at HB more sustainable and gain a fully comprehensive view of our actions in ecological, economic and social terms.


From now on, we will inform you about our sustainability activities in this blog and report on which topics we are working on, which measures we are introducing and how we are moving step by step towards a sustainable future at HB.